Freedom — Home
Maybe freedom is that home doesn’t afford your physical presence.
That home can be everywhere and nowhere.
That once you created a home somewhere, that feeling will stay forever, no matter what happened.
Maybe freedom is that you don’t need to be bound to feel a bond with home.
That you can never be caught or hold, and that this has nothing to say about your level of affection towards a place or person.
Maybe freedom means that home will never hold expectations towards you or grudges for you not being there; but that it unconditionally welcomes you no matter what.
Maybe freedom means that your rootless roots are the greatest expression of (self-)love, as you don’t have to prove or fulfil through mere presence.
That home will always hold space for you to change instead of demanding you to be a certain way.
Maybe freedom means accepting that nothing is perfect; that there’s no rulebook or script.
But being in your fullest potential and greatest self in that place — or places — that you call H O M E.